Joy Behar and toxic femininity wants a fight and they’re going to get it
It doesn’t matter if Clay hired me to work for him in 2020. I’d be joining this cause one way or the other. Joy Behar and her fellow toxic femininity country club members CAN NOT win this fight for the soul of Real America®. She would love nothing more than to destroy everything dear to heterosexual men. She’d like to love to take your gas-powered lawn mowers. She’s the Taliban leader of the toxic femininity movement and it’s absolultely disgusting.
The very existence of Screencaps is built on this fight and it doesn’t matter how many bullets Joy Behar and her gangbang members try to put into my Internet body, I won’t go down. Screencaps won’t go down. In fact, there are ongoing talks within OutKick for MORE Screencaps. This is a franchise, Joy.
You’re f–ked, Joy!
My bosses love Screencaps so much that we’re about to bring wave after wave of red-blooded American content.
That’s why it’s incredibly important for you guys to keep spreading the Screencaps gospel. Let your buddies at the factory know there’s a special place out there for them. Let your fellow work-from-home friends that they need to take 15 minutes to save the soul of this country. Tell your fellow emergency room doctors there’s a place on the Internet to relax and have some fun for 15 minutes.
Come and take it, Joy.
Good luck.

I’m so fired up over Joy Behar that I cannot figure out if my Bengals are being f–ked by the NFL and its playoff proposal
I need someone to talk me off a ledge this morning over what I’m seeing from the NFL and its plans after canceling the Bills-Bengals game.
Bengals fans, I need your help here.
NFL Sunday Night Football solution
• Todd Z. writes:
This Sunday’s game should be NE Patriots at Buffalo Bills.
That would be a good game and good for ratings and good for the NFL.
Didn’t NBC pick Lions-Packers before the Monday Night Football game even started? Again, my brain is scrambled this morning, but I think NBC made their choice and that’s that.
By the way, Lions fans get a Sunday night game? What a season. It’s yet another one that 99.9% of us (not Joy Behar) will never forget.
F–k Joy Behar!
What’s with travel ball calendar fundraisers?
I guess this was the evolution of NIL deals. Apparantely now we have parents asking others to off-set the expenses of living a travel ball lifestyle.
This might be one of the most absurd asks in the history of asks.
Fund my kid’s lifestyle so I don’t have to fund it all myself.
Yeah, let me get right on that. Absurd behavior from a grown adult. Fund your own travel ball.
And the way I’m reading this, the adult and the kid aren’t even offering to make a plate of cookies or buy a keg for a party in exchange for the donations. This is nuts.

Snowblower help needed
• Jason in New Hampshire writes:
I’ve recently relocated to New Hampshire and I’m in the market for a snow blower. I’ve been shoveling so far and it’s not sustainable from a time perspective. I would appreciate recommendations from the screencaps community.
Manufacturers/models? Gas vs electric?
I have a 30’ flat driveway.
2023 is the Year of the Pillow, according to Millennial Mike and Indy Daryl
• Indy Daryl writes:
Millennial Mike couldn’t be more right about purchasing a good, expensive pillow!!! For the better part of 2021 and the first half of 2022 I had insane upper back pain. Having had lower back complications throughout my life, dealing with back pain wasn’t something new. But, I am talking about waking up from a dead sleep in the middle of the night in pain, and then trying anyway I could to massage the knots out. I tried a massage, chiropractor visits, CBD cream, magnesium cream, and more with no relief.
One day I had an epiphany: what if the way I am sleeping or what I am sleeping on is causing this (probably took me too long to realize this….). I tried starting in different positions, trying to sleep on my back more (hard for a side sleeper!!) and noticed that depending on how my pillow was arranged I experience less pain. When it was shoved up against our headboard and thus firmer, the better I slept.
After some research I landed on the Eli & Elm ultimate side sleeper pillow. Was there sticker shock? Hell yeah, but at this point I was ready to give it a go. Anything was better than living with near constant upper back pain that radiated down my arms!
Within two nights I was completely pain free!! I could sleep on my side or back with no concerns and the shape of the pillow is amazing to boot.
All that to say, I agree with Millennial Mike; go out and buy yourself a really nice pillow. It could be life changing, it certainly was for me!

I 100% support both of them and their pillow talk. I’m on record declaring that I bought a Purple pillow for Mrs. Screencaps back in the fall, but she didn’t care for it, so now I use the Purple pillow. Guys, I’m telling you, I get much deeper sleep and there’s way less tossing and turning.
In fact, I’m convinced there are nights where I don’t turn at all.
Go get yourself a really good pillow.
And f–k Joy Behar.
Donovan Mitchell and the ‘shits’
• Tony C. in Louisville, KY makes his Screencdaps return with a good one.
Happy new year, Joe – admittedly haven’t been as good as usual about reading screencaps loyally over the last month, but catch it when I can.
Thought this was hilarious in a writeup of last night’s Cavs game: Donovan Mitchell wasn’t hitting what?!? https://www.nbcsportsedge.com/basketball/nba/player/30439/donovan-mitchell

Rose Bowl field report and the bottled water WAS NOT cheap
• Tom H., who was nice enough to send me to the Bengals-Steelers game, has been on the road and it looks like he had an incredible time at the Rose Bowl.
Tom H. writes:
Decided at the last minute to attend the Rose Bowl on January 2nd with Mike W from Virginia. You met Mike on our Screencaps Mini Summit in Pittsburgh for your Bengals game. Mike is a fellow Penn State grad and PSU season ticket holder and he had a line on some tickets so, off we went to check one off the bucket list!. We decided to spruce it up a bit by mixing in a Las Vegas New Years, so it was quite a weekend.
Some helpful info…The parade started at 8 and we went to Colorado Blvd’s halfway point about 8 am. Quite crowded, but manageable. The parade itself was nice, but, and I don’t mean to sound weird or anything, I thought there would be more roses. Really, I did. If anyone goes in the future, I suggest taking along a simple step stool of some kind for the shorter folks so you can stand back on the sidewalk next to buildings and still see the parade well.
The venue (the Rose Bowl itself) gets a grade of C- from me. There isn’t a bad seat in the whole place as it truly is a “bowl”. The stadium itself is just awesome, but the lack of amenities for such a serious venue was surprising. Very few bathrooms, no permanent vending areas that I could see, and although it rained slightly, there was rainwater (I hope it was rainwater) bubbling up through the cracks in the asphalt in the outside areas. This is the home field for UCLA?
The fans were awesome. This was essentially a home game for Utah with Salt Lake being a drivable distance for a big game (especially with Las Vegas as a stop off over New Years) so it was well attended by Utah fans. I must add that those Ute fans were excited and friendly. We ran into Utah superfan Andrew B from Cottonwood Heights, UT wearing the most impressively appropriate game-day suit I’ve ever seen. As soon as I saw him I knew you’d want a picture.
For those considering attending future Rose Bowls. Start a drink fund well ahead of time.
All in all, had a great time in a great city and enjoyed the PSU win. Highly recommend for others.

Is this true?
Are people happier in yellow zones compared to blue zones? To be fair, it appears there are very few blue zones in the U.S., so let’s make this question a little more specific: Are you happy living with perfect, or near-perfect weather most of the time?
Here, it’s cloudy, probably 35 degrees and the sun hasn’t come out in about 4 1/2 weeks. This is the weather that produces extremely productive bloggers.
IG solutions for iOS and this one sounds like an actual real solution
• Ryan W. writes:
Joe – After frustrating hours of debugging I have (I think) solved the missing IG’s for iOS users. Open settings/Safari/Advanced/Website Data then touch Remove All Website Data. I did this three days ago and have not had a problem since. There must’ve been something cached before the “Read More” button became a thing. Thanks for the daily’s the best place on the web!
And that’s a wrap on the first full week of January. That was fast.
By the way, I forwarded the septic emails to Eddie from Acworth. Some of you might be hearing from Eddie on your solutions / thoughts on his situation. Once again, you guys stepped up when one of your own needed advice. Some of you even wrote like 500 words. I was completely impressed by the help offered up.
Now go attack the day and f–k Joy Behar.
Come and take it, girlfriend.
Email: joekinsey@gmail.com
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